An astrology natal chart—is a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun (from our vantage point on earth) at the exact moment you were born.
This type of reading can reveal your character traits, behavioral tendencies, your opportunities for soul growth and the directions your life might take.
Your motivations, your challenges, your emotions, the way you love ... these things are NOT an accident! Your birth chart, which is the specific placement of the planets at the time you were born, has had a very significant impact on you, helping create the person you've become.
Approximately 120 minutes
Sliding scale
$111- $222
Birth Chart Reading
Solar Return Reading
Sliding scale
Around the time of your birthday, a unique, temporary chart can be cast that encapsulates what you're likely to experience over the next year of your life.
You give birth to this chart annually when the Sun reaches the precise degree and minute it occupied at your birth. This can occur on the day of, day before, or day after your birthday. Technically, this is the moment when you're really supposed to make those birthday wishes.
Known as a Solar Revolution or Solar Return, it's a potent moment in time when you're infused once more with all of the potential your Sun sign infused you with.
Ever notice how saturated you are with vitality around your birthday? That's the direct result of the Sun in the sky connecting to your natal Sun.
This is your moment each year to begin the next chapter of your exciting life. The outline can be found right there in your Solar Return.
Your Solar Return chart is cast for the date and time the Sun reaches your natal Sun placement. However, the location of your chart is not your birth location.
I use the location you are physically in during the moment of your return because this is technically where the energy imprint occurs.
What is this energy imprint? Your birth chart works because at the moment you took your first live breath, the planetary energy patterns into the sky imprint onto your physical body.
The same principle applies to the Solar Return chart.
In a natal chart you have this imprint for an entire lifetime, whereas your Solar Return chart is only active for one year. A Solar Return chart is read much like a birth chart, with an emphasis on the house placements of planets and their aspects. Of most important consideration in a Solar Return chart of course, is the placement of the Sun that year and any aspects it makes to the rest of the horoscope.
Approximately 90 minutes

Transit Reading
Sliding scale $99-$177
The cosmos is in constant flux; planets are in constant motion.
These current movements relative to position of the planets at the time of your birth, in Astrology, are called transits.
Transits are determined by comparing your birth chart with the current position of the planets to forecast the nature of upcoming events in your life.
Transits can be short term and long term.
Faster moving planets such as Venus would yield shorter transits versus slowing moving planets such as Neptune.
Life has its seasons and becoming aware of the astrological season you find yourself in can be a useful tool in navigating daily life.
Approximately 75 minutes